Friday, July 18, 2008

Lots of Random Things in One Post

I just found out my office building has cockroaches and now I'm super paranoid. I keep looking everywhere I step. I actually prefer mice to cockroaches (we have mice problems on and off also) because at least they are scary and cute. Cockroaches are just gross.

Job hunting is so frustrating. I know I just have to be patient and if I keep applying to places eventually I'll probably get an interview somewhere, but it is still hard to keep applying when no one seems to even acknowledge it. At least the last person who expressed some interest was courteous enough to notify me that they had hired someone else. I hate it when companies don't even send you a form letter or email. Looks like I'll be at my current job for at least a few more months. It's not bad; it's just fairly boring and not challenging. Summer is especially slow.

Project Runway is back! I didn't like the last season very much, but there seem to be some interesting contestants on this one and no one is horrendously annoying yet. In honor of Project Runway, I will list some of my summer fashion pet peeves.

1. Crocs. I don't care how comfortable they are, they are UGLY! I make an exception for little kids and beach wear. They seem like durable kids shoes and good water/sand shoes.

2. Bug Eye Sunglasses. I hate those huge round sunglasses that take up a person's entire face. It seems like every college girl has them. They only look good on a few select people any way. Sunglasses have glasses in their name for a reason--they are supposed to cover your eyes, not your whole face!

3. Mini skirts. If you can't sit down without flashing everyone, don't wear it.

4. Thong sandals with business clothes. It's fine to wear them to work and then change, but I know of people who keep them on at the office. It just looks silly and unprofessional. Why bother to wear business clothes if you're going to wreck the look with your shoes?

1 comment:

  1. I heard somewhere that you either have mice or you have bugs. Rarely do you have both because I guess the mice eat or scare away the bugs? I don't know if that is true though. Good luck!
    Sucks about the job. But you'll find something. Just stick with it.
    I agree about Crocs - they are the ugliest things ever. And I hear they are horrible for support.
