Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Great Kitty Debate

We are considering getting a kitten. Jason has always thought it was a good idea. He originally wanted to adopt two kittens from Kira's litter, but there weren't enough. I'm still having an internal debate about it. Here's what I've been thinking about the situation. Please offer your opinions.

1. It would be a companion for Kira. She is alone for a lot of time during the week in a small apartment and another cat would help her be less bored and lonely.

BUT Maybe she isn't really bored or lonely and I'm just assuming that because I would be bored and lonely. It's hard to tell. She's not being destructive and she does like to sleep and watch birds during the day. On the other hand, she always wants to play more, especially right when we get home and another cat might play with her during the day. Also, there is no guarantee that they would like each other. I would hate to get a cat that made her annoyed and miserable all the time!

2. Kittens are adorable and lots of fun!
BUT the first few months, especially introducing the two cats is bound to be annoying at times and a lot of work. You have to keep them separated for awhile.

3. It is good to save an animal from living at a shelter and potentially being euthanized. I know kittens are usually not euthanized because people adopt them over older cats, but it's still good to give them a real home.

4. Having two cats is more expensive. There would be initial expenses like adoption fees, shots, spaying or neutering if it is needed, and buying new supplies like a litter box. After those expenses, on a normal month we would individually be paying about $25 more a month for a second cat.
BUT I can afford $25 a month.

5. We rent a one bedroom apartment. Cats need their own spaces in a home and I'm not sure there is enough room in our apartment. Also, we'd need to figure out where to put a second litter box and deal with having two cats in a small space. If we have to move to another rental place, it will be harder to find one that takes two cats and harder to move with two cats. Does anyone know of any situations with multiple indoor cats in a one bedroom apartment or small living space?

6. Two cats means more fur! I'm not sure if I'm allergic to kitty litter, fur (well, dander really), or something else like dust and pollen, but I'm always sneezing and getting a runny nose in our apartment. If I clean the litter box without wearing a cleaning mask, I sneeze the rest of the night. Two cats, especially a long haired cat, might make the problem worse.

I'm most concerned with points one and five. I want Kira to be happy and I don't know if getting a kitten would make her more or less happy. I'm sure it would make her less happy at the beginning, but if they became friends it would definitely make her more happy. I'd also be less hesitant if I lived in a bigger apartment or house.

Any thoughts or ideas?

1 comment:

  1. Couple things:
    1. You should take Claritin or something
    2. I can only speak from experience with Newton and Sophie - even though they are dogs. We got Sophie because Mom thought Newton was lonely through the day while everyone was gone. When Sophie came, she attached herself to Newton but he wanted nothing to do with her and spent most of his time hiding in bedrooms away from her. His whole personality dramatically changed, though he was also still growing up so that may have had something to do with it. I think they may have bonded by now but I don't think Newton would care that much if Sophie weren't around. Your kitty might be okay without another kitty fighting for your attention. Or they could get along. Hard to tell.
    3. I said this on the phone but I think it will come down to you guys by chance coming across a cute little kitty that you just can't go home without.
