Thursday, January 22, 2009

Inauguration is hard to spell

I got to take a break from work to watch the inauguration when it was on. I didn't see the whole thing, but I did catch the swearing in, Obama's speech, and the benediction. It was nice to watch it with a big crowd of people. It made me feel more Amercian somehow.

Although I liked the speech, I wasn't as impressed by it as I thought I was going to be. I expected there to be much more cheering throughout despite the solemn tone. Perhaps everyone was just too cold. He was overly idealistic about certain things (No more bickering between parties? Sadly, there is no way that will happen!). It also incorporated too many religious quotes and references for my taste although I did appreciate the acknowledgment that there are many types of religions in America and some of us are "nonbelievers".

I know it's nothing new, but I really wish a President would actually show the separation of church and state by refraining to add a lot of Christian and God references to every speech. When your speech emphasizes finding human connections, I think incorporating one specific religion only alienates other groups.

On the other hand, I thought he did a good job keeping the tone fairly solemn, but not letting it become depressing. He recognized that the challenges facing our country won't be overcome easily or quickly, but he also was resolute and encouraging. I liked the line about reaching out a hand to countries who rule with closed fists if the countries will open their fist. It won't happen, but it was a nice metaphor and I am glad that he seems more willing to try diplomacy than Bush.
I also liked the idea that rich countries have to take more responsibility for the world.

Overall, I'm just glad that Bush is gone!

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